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This is the code for the paper "Isochrone-based catchment areas for educational planning" (https://at.iiep.unesco.org/travel-time), created by the Development Unit at IIEP-UNESCO.
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This is the code for the paper "Assessing natural hazard risks for planning the location of educational facilities: Multi-criteria decision analysis for site classification" by Vargas Mesa, Sheldon & Gagnon (forthcoming)
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QGIS plugin that generates a customized site classification raster layer for educational facilities (schools).
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This is the code code for the paper "Geographically weighted regressions for prioritizing educational planning, policies, and interventions", created by the Development Unit at IIEP-UNESCO.
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This is the code for the paper "Estimating school-age populations by applying Sprague multipliers to raster data" (Gagnon & Vargas, 2021)
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This is the methodology used to project spatialized school-age populations, based on worldpop gridded population estimates, and adjusted to national population projections.
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Spatialized school-age population QGIS plug-in developed by the Development unit at IIEP-UNESCO